Friday, October 5, 2007

With a purpose...

I recently went to California to visit Berkeley Law School. I had received an invitation to attend the Trailblazers in Justice Gala hosted by the law school’s Center for Social Justice. I took the opportunity to attend this event because I plan to attend law school, and Berkeley is one of the schools at the top of my list.

More about the honorees and the gala can be found here:

Being among so many people who are so passionate about their work and commitment to social justice was quite inspiring. One of the speakers commented about the reputation lawyers sometimes are faced with as soulless and untrustworthy, remarking that, for these people, that portrayal couldn’t be further from the truth. The work being done and issues being tackled by them are nothing but admirable, and they deserve to be proud of themselves.

I really do admire these people and aspire to work among them. I want to have a positive impact on important issues—mostly education. This seminar provides the opportunity for our team to address Title IX and the issues of community, sports, and growing student-athletes. It is very empowering to be able to work so closely with such talented peers on such a big topic. We’ve fully invested ourselves into the seminar, and I can’t wait to see all that we accomplish.

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